Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
(Ubuntu Linux, OpenJDK 7)
When you issue the cmdline "cassandra-cli -?" you get the following:
cssndra@ubuntu2:/opt/cassandra/conf$ cassandra-cli -? usage: cassandra-cli -?,--help usage help -alg,--ssl-alg <ALGORITHM> SSL: algorithm (default: SunX509) -B,--batch enabled batch mode (suppress output; errors are fatal) -ciphers,--ssl-ciphers <CIPHER-SUITES> SSL: comma-separated list of encryption suites to use --debug display stack-traces (NOTE: We print strack-traces in the places where it makes sense even without --debug) -f,--file <FILENAME> load statements from the specific file -h,--host <HOSTNAME> cassandra server's host name --jmxpassword <JMX-PASSWORD> JMX service password --jmxport <JMX-PORT> JMX service port --jmxusername <JMX-USERNAME> JMX service username -k,--keyspace <KEYSPACE> cassandra keyspace user is authenticated against -p,--port <PORT> cassandra server's thrift port -prtcl,--ssl-protocol <PROTOCOL> SSL: connections protocol to use (default: TLS) -pw,--password <PASSWORD> password for cassandra authentication --schema-mwt <TIME> Schema migration wait time (secs.), default is 10 secs -st,--store-type <STORE-TYPE> SSL: type of store -tf,--transport-factory <TRANSPORT-FACTORY> Fully-qualified TTransportFactory class name for creating a connection to cassandra -ts,--truststore <TRUSTSTORE> SSL: full path to truststore -tspw,--truststore-password <TRUSTSTORE-PASSWORD> SSL: full path to truststore -u,--username <USERNAME> user name for cassandra authentication -v,--verbose verbose output when using batch mode
As you see, the help text for the --tspw switch has the same as the --ts switch.