This query returns no result:
cqlsh:tick_data> select syd from current_prices where shard = 1 and syd in (1, 556129);
(0 rows)
However this query does return a result, showing that the previous query was wrong to return no result:
cqlsh:tick_data> select syd from current_prices where shard = 1 and syd in (556129);
(1 rows)
This can be reproduced as follows:
(a) Create a keyspace tick_data:
create keyspace tick_data WITH replication =
{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
(b) Create a table current_prices:
CREATE TABLE current_prices (
shard int,
syd int,
ask decimal,
bid decimal,
currency ascii,
when timeuuid,
PRIMARY KEY (shard, syd)
(c) Stop Cassandra and untar the attached tar file in /var/lib/cassandra/data/tick_data/. It populates the current_prices table.
(d) Restart Cassandra and perform the above selects.