New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Won't Fix
Command line environments where "node" isn't the PATH of the current process.
Executing the CLI "platform add <platforms>" command using locally installed node binaries, cordova instances, and so forth will fail when the cli attempts to call through to the platform specific create.bat file.
One simple resolution would be to allow the cli to pass the current node execution path through to the spawned call via an optional command line argument.
Steps To Resolution
- Update platform tooling sub shell scripts in platforms to process an additional --process-exec-path argument if present.
- cordova-amazon-fireos
- cordova-android
- cordova-blackberry
- cordova-firefoxos
- cordova-ios
- cordova-ubuntu
- cordova-wp8
- cordova-windows
- Optional Additional Platforms (cordova-browser, cordova-osx, cordova-tizen)
- Update general tooling in cordova-lib / cordova-cli to allow the user to explicitly specify that the process exec path should be passed through when spawning sub shell processes.