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  1. Apache Flex
  2. FLEX-23734

Add [Exclude] meta to FlexModuleFactory when compiling with ASDocs



    • Task
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Adobe Flex SDK 4.0 (Release)
    • None
    • ASDoc Tool
    • None
    • Affected OS(s): Windows
      Affected OS(s): Windows XP
      Language Found: English


      Steps to reproduce:
      07/20/2011 (dloverin)
      1. Create a directory named "src" in any directory.
      2. Copy Module1.mxml (attached) to the src directory. The module embeds a font.
      3. Copy the arial.ttf file from your system and put it in the src directory. If you do not have arial.ttf on your system then copy any true type font to the src directory. Update Module1.mxml by changing "arial.ttf" to the name of your font.
      4. At the command line, from the parent of the src directory, enter:
      >asdoc -doc-sources src -output myDoc

      From the myDoc directory open index.html in a browser.

      Actual Results:
      The ASDoc contains a class named _4a15e35ed54703c4338af8d4cd478b22773842a4dcb17d9eeedcb07362ccdc25_mx_core_FlexModuleFactory

      Expected Results:
      The ASDoc should not contain a class named _4a15e35ed54703c4338af8d4cd478b22773842a4dcb17d9eeedcb07362ccdc25_mx_core_FlexModuleFactory

      Original steps to reproduce:
      1. Try documenting a flex application with modules by running ASDocs with <doc-sources path-element="${SRC_DIR}"/> and
      <external-library-path dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs">
      <include name="spark.swc"/>
      <include name="sparkskins.swc"/>
      <include name="flex.swc"/>
      <include name="framework.swc"/>
      <include name="rpc.swc"/>
      2. You will most likely get documentation for the class called something like this:
      Which is an ugly name a different name every time! - you cannot exclude it with <exclude-classes/> and, well, my intention was to not document the framework classes anyway (I know it's kind of "my" class since it was generated for my project, but, anyways, I think it belongs to the framework, not the project).

      Actual Results:
      Despite all odds FlexModuleFactory is being documented.

      Expected Results:
      FlexModuleFactory is not documented.

      Workaround (if any):
      You can technically post-process the generated documentation and remove it, but this would be to complex to mention it here.




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