New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
1.4.2, 1.5.0
Currently the DataSet API only has the ability to output data received from Cassandra as a source in as a Tuple. This would be allow the data to be output as a custom POJO that the user has created that has been annotated using Datastax API. This would remove the need of very long Tuples to be created by the DataSet and then mapped to the custom POJO.
The changes to the CassandraInputFormat object would be minimal, but would require importing the Datastax API into the class. Another option is to make a similar, but slightly different class called CassandraPojoInputFormat.
I have already gotten code for this working in my own project, but want other thoughts as to the best way this should go about being implemented.
//Example of its use in main
CassandraPojoInputFormat<CustomCassandraPojo> cassandraInputFormat = new CassandraPojoInputFormat<>(queryToRun, defaultClusterBuilder, CustomCassandraPojo.class);
DataSet<CustomCassandraPojo> outputTestSet = exEnv.createInput(cassandraInputFormat, TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<CustomCassandraPojo>(){}));
//The class that I currently have set up
Will make another Jira Issue for the Output version next if this is approved