me@gateway-hawaii-all:/mnt/host/bin$ hdfs dfsrouteradmin -ls /home/move
Mount Table Entries:
Source Destinations Owner Group Mode
/home/move hdfs-oahu->/home/move me hadoop rwxr-xr-x
me@gateway-hawaii-all:/mnt/host/bin$ hdfs dfsrouteradmin -ls /home/move/
Mount Table Entries:
Source Destinations Owner Group Mode
me@gateway-hawaii-all:/mnt/host/bin$ hdfs dfsrouteradmin -rm /home/move/
Cannot remove mount point /home/move/
me@gateway-hawaii-all:/mnt/host/bin$ hdfs dfsrouteradmin -add /home/move/ hdfs-oahu /home/move/ -readonly
Cannot add mount point /home/move/
The slash '/' at the end should be normalized before calling the API from the CLI.
Note: add command fails with a terminating '/' . when it is an existing entry (it checks the not-normalized value with the normalized value in the mount-table). Adding a new mount point with '/' at the end works because the CLI normalizes the mount before calling the API.