Currently FileSystem has an API resolvePath. To know where the path has mounted, the applications can use that API as the retuned path is from actual target path in the case of mount file systems like ViewFS, ViewFSOverloadScheme or ViewDistributedFileSystem.
However, resolvePath does more than what is needed by Apps when they want to know where the path has mounted. It's because resolvePath internally calls "getFileStatus".
This additional call is unnecessary when apps just want to where the path mounted.
Since we have mounted filesystems available in FS, I think it's good to add resolveMountPath API, which will just do the following.
If the fs is mounted fs, then it will resolve it's mount tables and return the actual target path. If the fs is non mounted, then it will simply return the same path.
Currently Applications like Hive, Ranger using resolvePath API. ( this is forcing to do additional RPC internally)