Any string literal starting with "OR ", e.g.:
//*[jcr:contains(@title, 'OR ME')]
ends up in a javax.jcr.RepositoryException:
Exception building query: org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Cannot parse 'OR ME': Encountered " <OR> "OR "" at line 1, column 0.
I see this is due to the "OR" keyword interpreted by Lucene, like described in
Is this expected? Shouldn't jackrabbit escape the input string before creating the lucene query, since this is implementation-specific and OR should not AFAIK be a reserved word in properly delimited string literals in xpath queries?
Also note that the similar "AND" keyword doesn't cause any problem.
In order to fix it I must check and replace any input string starting with "OR" adding quotes or lowercasing:
//*[jcr:contains(@title, '"OR" ME')]
//*[jcr:contains(@title, 'or ME')]