Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
I got a tree simple structure that represents my data and the webdav-interface is showing that my structure is correctly inserted into the repository. (I will append a graphstructure after the post)
My problem now is that I want to query all my ${id}-nodes that match certain conditions. If I execute the following query I get several results:
SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS receipt
results in my testversion in:
/ /301234562/201604/999999996/front /301234562/201604/999999999/back /301234562 /301234562/201604/999999996/back /301234562/201604 /301234562/201604/999999999/front /301234562/201604/999999996 /301234562/201604/999999999 /301234561/201604/999999996/front /301234561/201604/999999999/back /301234561/201604/999999996/back /301234561 /301234561/201604 /301234561/201604/999999999/front /301234561/201604/999999996 /301234561/201604/999999999
but if I now execute the following join condition I get an empty set of results
SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] AS receipt INNER JOIN [nt:unstructured] AS child ON ISSAMENODE(child, receipt)
from JSR 283 I got the following:
Let *L x R* be the Cartesian product of *L* and *R* as a set of (m + n)-tuples
so this join should result in a set of 2-tuples containing exactly the same elements as the first query, or am I missing something obvious again?