Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Hi all
Can you please explain me if i'm doing something wrong or is it a bug and i'm taling about testng test suite xml file.
Whenever i create testng class and couple of @Test methods and i want to test such class, i'm choosing option "Test file" either from context menu or by pressing Ctrl+F6 on active java class. (screenshot: testFileJava.png) and it works fine (it run tests only for methods which are inside given class, but...
Whenver i create testNG test suite xml file and to try to "Test File" such xml test suite it just simply not execute/not recognize/not parse this xml file and it not executes such test suite (attachment: TestNgSpecificTestSuite.png, TestNgSpecificTestSuite.log) on the log file you can see that some other classes are running, not the ones declared on xml test suite...
am i doing something wrong or is it the netbeans who's not handling specific test suite files properly (maybe some problem with executing specific testng xml test suites...)
Btw: explicitly declaring <suiteXmlFile> in surefire plugin and running it from maven command, e.g. mvn clean install works fine and executes specific test suite, declared on surefire plugin configuration.
Any ideas, what's happening with this?