As with SPARK-11265; the HBase token retrieval code of SPARK-6918
1. swallows exceptions it should be rethrowing as serious problems (e.g NoSuchMethodException)
1. Swallows any exception raised by the HBase client, without even logging the details (it logs that an `InvocationTargetException` was caught, but not the contents)
As such it is potentially brittle to changes in the HBase client code, and absolutely not going to provide any assistance if HBase won't actually issue tokens to the caller.
The code in SPARK-11265 can be re-used to provide consistent and better exception processing
Issue Links
- depends upon
SPARK-11265 YarnClient can't get tokens to talk to Hive 1.2.1 in a secure cluster
- Resolved
- duplicates
SPARK-12241 Improve failure reporting in Yarn client obtainTokenForHBase()
- Resolved