(1) I want to launch a spark-shell + with jars that are only required by the driver (ie. not shipped to slaves)
(2) I added "spark.driver.extraClassPath /mypath/to.jar" to my spark-defaults.conf
I launched spark-shell with: ./spark-shell
Here I see on the WebUI that spark.driver.extraClassPath has been set, but I am NOT able to access any methods in the jar.
(3) I removed "spark.driver.extraClassPath" from my spark-default.conf
I launched spark-shell with ./spark-shell --driver.class.path /mypath/to.jar
Again I see that the WebUI spark.driver.extraClassPath has been set.
But this time I am able to access the methods in the jar.
Looks like when the driver class path is loaded from spark-default.conf, the REPL's classpath is not correctly appended.