Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
If we access a Spark table on an object storage file system with parquet files, the object storage suffers many requests that seem to be unnecessary. To explain this I will do it with an example:
I have created a simple table, with 3 files:
and I have put a table that represents business/t_filter with country and data_date_part partitions, you have the following requests.
If you use versions prior to Spark 3.5 or Hadoop 3.4, in my case it is exactly Spark 3.2 and Hadoop 3.1, the number of requests you have are the following -> IMAGE Spark 3.2 Hadoop 3.1
In this image we can see all the requests where we can find the following errors:
- Two HEAD and two LIST are made with the implementation of S3, of the folders where the files are located, which could only be resolved with a single list. This bug has already been resolved in ->
HADOOP-18073-> Result : IMAGE 2 Spark 3.2 Hadoop 3.4 - For each file, the parquet footing is listed twice. This bug is resolved in ->
SPARK-42388-> Result : IMAGE Spark 3.5 Hadoop 3.1 - A Head Object is launched twice each time a file is read, this could be reduced by implementing the FileSystem interface so that it could receive the FileStatus that has already been calculated above.
- The requests could be reduced when reading the parquet footer, since first you have to read the size of the schema and then the schema, which implies two HTTP/HTTPS requests to S3. It would be nice if there was a minimum threshold, for example 100KB, in which, if the file is smaller than that, it would not have to make two requests, and the entire file would be brought, since bringing 100 KB will take less time in one request to bring 8 B in a request and then another request for x KB. Even so, I don't know if this task makes sense.
- It would be to change this implementation, with an environment variable, that if it is set to -1 it does the same, but if it has a threshold set, up to that threshold you do not have to call the seek function twice, which repeats a GET Object.
With all these improvements, updating to the latest version of Spark and Hadoop would go from more than 30 requests to 11 in the proposed example.
Issue Links
- depends upon
HADOOP-15229 Add FileSystem builder-based openFile() API to match createFile(); S3A to implement S3 Select through this API.
- Resolved
- is depended upon by
PARQUET-2493 HadoopInputFile to pass down FileStatus when opening file.
- Open
HADOOP-19199 Include FileStatus when opening a file from FileSystem
- Resolved
HADOOP-19200 Reduce the number of headObject when opening a file with the s3 file system
- Resolved
- is related to
SPARK-42388 Avoid unnecessary parquet footer reads when no filters in vectorized reader
- Resolved
HADOOP-18073 S3A: Upgrade AWS SDK to V2
- Resolved