when log space reach the reserved head room and there is noway to remove some old log for more space, TS will print many log in traffic.out or diags.log, which will make great troube as those files is not rotated, may block the server from working after disk space exhausted.
[Sep 26 17:44:31.037] Server {0x2b0ff3363700} NOTE: logging space exhausted, can't write to:/var/log/trafficserver/error.log, drop this entry [Sep 26 17:44:31.689] Server {0x2b0ff2e5e700} NOTE: logging space exhausted, can't write to:/var/log/trafficserver/error.log, drop this entry [Sep 26 17:44:31.692] Server {0x2b0ff2e5e700} NOTE: logging space exhausted, can't write to:/var/log/trafficserver/error.log, drop this entry [Sep 26 17:44:32.200] Server {0x2b0ff3363700} NOTE: logging space exhausted, can't write to:/var/log/trafficserver/error.log, drop this entry [Sep 26 17:44:35.471] Server {0x2b0ff2b5b700} NOTE: logging space exhausted, can't write to:/var/log/trafficserver/error.log, drop this entry