As per jianhe these are some followup items that make sense to do after YARN-7766. Quoting Jian's comment below -
Currently, if user doesn't supply location when run yarn app -enableFastLaunch, the jars will be put under this location
Since API server is embedded in RM, should RM look for this location too if "yarn.service.framework.path" is not specified ?
And if "yarn.service.framework.path" is not specified and still the file doesn't exist at above default location, I think RM can try to upload the jars to above default location instead, currently RM is uploading the jars to the location defined by below code. This folder is per app and also inconsistent with CLI location.
protected Path addJarResource(String serviceName, Map<String, LocalResource> localResources) throws IOException, SliderException { Path libPath = fs.buildClusterDirPath(serviceName);
By doing this, the next time a submission request comes, RM doesn't need to upload the jars again.