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- BIGTOP-3556
Minimum chnages for upgrading Bigtop-ambari-mpack aligned with Ambari 2.7.5 - BIGTOP-3530
Drop Debian 9 support - BIGTOP-3529
Drop bigtop-tomcat - BIGTOP-3528
Bump Oozie to 5.2.1 - BIGTOP-3523
Drop Ubuntu 16.04 support - BIGTOP-3522
Drop Fedora 31 and add Fedora 33 support - BIGTOP-3521
Drop QFS - BIGTOP-3520
Drop ignite-hadoop - BIGTOP-3519
Drop Flume - BIGTOP-3517
Bump Livy to 0.7.1 - BIGTOP-3514
Bump GPDB to 5.28.5 - BIGTOP-3512
Drop Giraph - BIGTOP-3511
Drop Mahout - BIGTOP-3510
Drop sqoop2 - BIGTOP-3500
Bump Zeppelin to 0.9.0 - BIGTOP-3498
Bump Phoenix to 5.1.0 - BIGTOP-3493
Bump YCSB to 0.17.0 - BIGTOP-3492
Add Ubuntu 20.04 support to the Docker provisioner - BIGTOP-3491
Add Ubuntu 20.04 support to the Bigtop toolchain - BIGTOP-3490
Bump Sqoop to 1.4.7 - BIGTOP-3488
Bump Kafka to 2.4.1 - BIGTOP-3485
Bump Solr to v8.7.0 - BIGTOP-3484
Bump Alluxio to 2.4.1 - BIGTOP-3481
Bump Spark to 3.0.1 - BIGTOP-3480
Bump Hive to 3.1.2 - BIGTOP-3479
Bump Tez to 0.10.0 - BIGTOP-3475
Bump ZooKeeper to 3.4.14 - BIGTOP-3474
Bump Hadoop to 3.2.2 - BIGTOP-3382
Upgrade Flink to 1.11.3 - BIGTOP-3329
Bump ambari to v2.7.5 - BIGTOP-3283
Bump HBase to 2.2.6 - BIGTOP-3280
Bump Hadoop to 3.2.1
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