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- HADOOP-10886
CryptoCodec#getCodecclasses throws NPE when configurations not loaded. - HADOOP-10871
incorrect prototype in OpensslSecureRandom.c - HADOOP-10870
Failed to load OpenSSL cipher error logs on systems with old openssl versions - HADOOP-10853
Refactor get instance of CryptoCodec and support create via algorithm/mode/padding. - HADOOP-10803
Update OpensslCipher#getInstance to accept CipherSuite#name format. - HADOOP-10785
UnsatisfiedLinkError in cryptocodec tests with OpensslCipher#initContext - HADOOP-10735
Fall back AesCtrCryptoCodec implementation from OpenSSL to JCE if non native support. - HADOOP-10734
Implement high-performance secure random number sources - HADOOP-10713
Refactor CryptoCodec#generateSecureRandom to take a byte[] - HADOOP-10693
Implementation of AES-CTR CryptoCodec using JNI to OpenSSL - HADOOP-10662
NullPointerException in CryptoInputStream while wrapped stream is not ByteBufferReadable. Add tests using normal stream. - HADOOP-10653
Add a new constructor for CryptoInputStream that receives current position of wrapped stream. - HADOOP-10635
Add a method to CryptoCodec to generate SRNs for IV - HADOOP-10632
Minor improvements to Crypto input and output streams - HADOOP-10628
Javadoc and few code style improvement for Crypto input and output streams - HADOOP-10617
Tests for Crypto input and output streams using fake streams implementing Hadoop streams interfaces. - HADOOP-10603
Crypto input and output streams implementing Hadoop stream interfaces
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