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- HDFS-2540
Change WebHdfsFileSystem to two-step create/append - HDFS-2539
Support doAs and GETHOMEDIRECTORY in webhdfs - HDFS-2528
webhdfs rest call to a secure dn fails when a token is sent - HDFS-2527
Remove the use of Range header from webhdfs - HDFS-2501
add version prefix and root methods to webhdfs - HDFS-2494
[webhdfs] When Getting the file using OP=OPEN with DN http address, ESTABLISHED sockets are growing. - HDFS-2453
tail using a webhdfs uri throws an error - HDFS-2441
webhdfs returns two content-type headers - HDFS-2439
webhdfs open an invalid path leads to a 500 which states a npe, we should return a 404 with appropriate error message - HDFS-2432
webhdfs setreplication api should return a 403 when called on a directory - HDFS-2431
webhdfs setpermission,settimes,setowner api does not return any content upon success - HDFS-2428
webhdfs api parameter validation should be better - HDFS-2427
webhdfs mkdirs api call creates path with 777 permission, we should default it to 755 - HDFS-2425
webhdfs GETFILESTATUS calls shows the localName as empty - HDFS-2424
webhdfs liststatus json does not convert to a valid xml document - HDFS-2416
distcp with a webhdfs uri on a secure cluster fails - HDFS-2404
webhdfs liststatus json response is not correct - HDFS-2403
The renewer in NamenodeWebHdfsMethods.generateDelegationToken(..) is not used - HDFS-2395
webhdfs api's should return a root element in the json response - HDFS-2385
Support delegation token renewal in webhdfs - HDFS-2366
webhdfs throws a npe when ugi is null from getDelegationToken - HDFS-2356
webhdfs: support case insensitive query parameter names - HDFS-2348
Support getContentSummary and getFileChecksum in webhdfs - HDFS-2340
Support getFileBlockLocations and getDelegationToken in webhdfs - HDFS-2338
Configuration option to enable/disable webhdfs. - HDFS-2318
Provide authentication to webhdfs using SPNEGO - HDFS-2317
Read access to HDFS using HTTP REST - HDFS-2284
Write Http access to HDFS
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