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- HIVE-8377
Enable Kerberized SSL for HiveServer2 in http mode - HIVE-6625
HiveServer2 running in http mode should support trusted proxy access - HIVE-6445
Add qop support for kerberos over http in HiveServer2 - HIVE-6351
Support Pluggable Authentication Modules for HiveServer2 running in http mode - HIVE-6350
Support LDAP authentication for HiveServer2 in http mode - HIVE-6318
Document SSL support added to HiveServer2 - HIVE-6306
HiveServer2 running in http mode should support for doAs functionality - HIVE-5826
Add https support to HiveServer2 http mode - HIVE-5312
Let HiveServer2 run simultaneously in HTTP (over thrift) and Binary (normal thrift transport) mode - HIVE-4764
Support Kerberos HTTP authentication for HiveServer2 running in http mode - HIVE-4763
add support for thrift over http transport in HS2
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