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- KNOX-1515
Upgrade shiro to 1.4.0 and ehcache to 2.6.11 - KNOX-1514
Upgrade jackson to 2.9.7 - KNOX-1513
Upgrade spring-core to 5.0.9.RELEASE - KNOX-1510
Upgrade nimbus-jose-jwt to 6.0.2 - KNOX-1509
Upgrade pac4j dependencies - KNOX-1508
Upgrade taglibs-standard-spec and taglibs-standard-impl to 1.2.5 - KNOX-1507
Upgrade okhttp to 2.7.5 - KNOX-1506
Upgrade protobuf-java to 3.6.1 - KNOX-1504
Upgrade eclipselink to 2.7.3 - KNOX-1503
Upgrade slf4j to 1.7.25 - KNOX-1500
Upgrade rest-assured to 3.1.1 - KNOX-1499
Upgrade cors-filter to 2.6 - KNOX-1498
Upgrade maven-enforcer-plugin to 3.0.0-M2 - KNOX-1497
Upgrade jansi to 1.17.1 - KNOX-1496
Upgrade maven-bundle-plugin to 4.0.0 - KNOX-1495
Upgrade httpclient to 4.5.6 and httpcore to 4.4.10 - KNOX-1494
Upgrade groovy to 2.5.2 - KNOX-1493
Upgrade joda-time to 2.10 - KNOX-1492
Upgrade jna to 4.5.2 - KNOX-1491
Upgrade jline to 2.14.6 - KNOX-1490
Upgrade buildnumber-maven-plugin to 1.4 - KNOX-1489
Upgrade jericho-html to 3.4 - KNOX-1488
Upgrade curator to 4.0.1 - KNOX-1487
Upgrade easymock to 3.6 - KNOX-1486
Upgrade commons-lang3 to 3.8.1 - KNOX-1485
Upgrade bcprov-jdk15on to 1.60
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