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- KNOX-2048
Upgrade pac4j to 3.8.2 - KNOX-2047
Upgrade dependency-check-maven to 5.2.2 - KNOX-2046
Upgrade hadoop to 3.2.1 - KNOX-2045
Upgrade joda-time to 2.10.4 - KNOX-2044
Upgrade protobuf-java to 3.10.0 - KNOX-2043
Upgrade bcprov-jdk15on to 1.63 - KNOX-2042
Upgrade testcontainers to 1.12.1 - KNOX-2041
Upgrade rest-assured to 4.1.1 - KNOX-2040
Upgrade commons-text to 1.8 - KNOX-2039
Upgrade checkstyle to 8.24 - KNOX-2038
Upgrade guava to 28.1-jre - KNOX-2037
Upgrade nimbus-jose-jwt to 7.8 - KNOX-2036
Upgrade cors-filter to 2.8 - KNOX-2035
Upgrade maven-bundle-plugin to 4.2.1 - KNOX-2034
Upgrade jetty to 9.4.20.v20190813 - KNOX-2033
Upgrade commons-beanutils to 1.9.4 - KNOX-2032
Upgrade cglib to 3.3.0 - KNOX-2031
Upgrade slf4j to 1.7.28 - KNOX-2030
Upgrade frontend-maven-plugin to 1.8.0 - KNOX-2029
Upgrade log4j2 to 2.12.1 - KNOX-2028
Upgrade jackson to 2.9.10 - KNOX-2010
Upgrade zookeeper to 3.5.5
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