Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- SOLR-17451
Pull in refactorings and code cleanups from fix_command_line_options_9_7 - SOLR-17409
Use getOptionWithDeprecatedAndDefault in all places in CLI. - SOLR-17404
Tweak Tool.java to support the sub command use case - SOLR-17403
Restructure Ref Guide Page Solr Control Script Reference - SOLR-17401
Figure out Sub Command pattern between zk, snapshots, package, and auth - SOLR-17400
Remove deprecated snapshotscli.sh from main - SOLR-17384
Update ExportTool's argument representation - SOLR-17382
CLI: Deprecate addlopts in RunExampleTool.java - SOLR-17380
Consolidate Duplicate Unit Tests between ZkSubcommandsTest and SolrCLIZkToolsTest - SOLR-17371
Forward port relevant CLI changes from branch_9x - SOLR-17357
Improve default --help formatting for CLI Tools, make configurable - SOLR-17352
Remove deprecated commands from CLI, such as -zkHost. - SOLR-17345
Should bin/solr allow short/long opts consistently? - SOLR-17344
Randomize short/long opts usage in Java-based CLI tests - SOLR-17338
Change missing zkHost/solrUrl to system.err - SOLR-17336
Merge windows and linux examples in ref guide for post tool - SOLR-17332
Remove last vestiges of post.jar from main - SOLR-17327
Update bats test to remove /solr from solr Urls. - SOLR-17318
bin/solr version should take a -z or -s and return actual version. - SOLR-17315
Bug in messaging when creating a collection, and then you can't actually call the config method to set-user-property - SOLR-17213
Don't warn users about the /solr in the url when we look it up direct from zk - SOLR-17194
CloudHttp2SolrClient doesn't properly use httpClient Builder on certain paths - SOLR-17180
Migrate snapshotscli.sh code into bin/solr and hdfs module code - SOLR-17178
ensure bin/solr start is used not bin/solr for starting in ref guide. - SOLR-17175
Eliminate create_collection as a command in ref guide... - SOLR-17174
commit to mixedCase cli options or dashed-case cli options - SOLR-17167
Move CreateCoreTool and CreateCollectionTool logic into CreateTool - SOLR-17163
bin/solr start -c -e films loads more than jsut films data - SOLR-17162
solr-in-docker.adoc needs updating for bin/solr post changes - SOLR-17147
To commit or not to commit? That is the question on bin/solr post - SOLR-17070
bin/solr post -h is odd message - SOLR-17068
Migrate Ref Guide content to using bin/solr post command - SOLR-16999
AssertTool has lots of static methods - SOLR-16956
bin/solr stop -p doesn't work - SOLR-16941
Improve Solr Host defaulting in the SolrCLI - SOLR-16940
Allow users to pass system properties when running the Solr tool. - SOLR-16921
Use -solrUrl to derive the zk host connection for bin/solr zk subcommands - SOLR-16895
Ensure Major Changes in Solr 10 Updated for CLI Changes - SOLR-16893
Remove create_core and create_collection from main (solr 10) - SOLR-16892
Make "create" be Standalone/Cloud Aware - SOLR-16883
Migrate PostLogs into bin/solr postlogs infrastructure. - SOLR-16875
Resolve Fate of bin/post and the SimplePostTool code base. - SOLR-16850
Flag to users that bin/solr heathcheck doesn't work with non solrcloud - SOLR-16842
Eliminate special case code in solrCLI by introducing VersionTool - SOLR-16831
Healthcheck tool is Broken! - SOLR-16824
Adopt Linux Command line tool pattern of -- for multi character commands. - SOLR-16823
Deprecate the legacy zk command actions like -upconfig - SOLR-16822
change hostname parameter on start and restart to only be -host, no -h - SOLR-16821
Make all boolean options not take a true/false but just the -option be enough. - SOLR-16803
Remove use of SimplePostTool from Solr code base like RunExampleTool
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