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- SOLR-12257
Remove documentation of ZooKeeper sysprop jute.maxbuffer once the blob store is a viable alternative for storing/loading large configuration files everywhere in Solr - SOLR-10972
CoreContainer level plugins should be loadable from blob store - SOLR-9175
classes referenced in schema.xml should also support loading from the blob store - SOLR-8775
provide friendly APIs to edit well known formats like json and text files - SOLR-8774
Store the latest available version of a blob so that some components can access it w/o version - SOLR-8772
components that rely on blob store should be loaded as soon as it is available - SOLR-8761
ManagedResources should be able to load from blob store - SOLR-8751
SolrResourceLoader should be able to load content from blob store - SOLR-8349
Allow sharing of large in memory data structures across cores
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