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- SPARK-38987
Handle fallback when merged shuffle blocks are corrupted and spark.shuffle.detectCorrupt is set to true - SPARK-36705
Disable push based shuffle when IO encryption is enabled or serializer is not relocatable - SPARK-36558
Stage has all tasks finished but with ongoing finalization can cause job hang - SPARK-36530
Avoid finalizing when there's no push at all in a shuffle - SPARK-36374
Push-based shuffle documentation - SPARK-36266
Rename classes in shuffle RPC used for block push operations - SPARK-36255
FileNotFoundException from the shuffle push can cause the executor to terminate - SPARK-35917
Disable push-based shuffle until the feature is complete - SPARK-35671
Add Support in the ESS to serve merged shuffle block meta and data to executors - SPARK-35546
Enable push-based shuffle when multiple app attempts are enabled and manage concurrent access to the state in a better way - SPARK-34840
Fix cases of corruption in merged shuffle blocks that are pushed - SPARK-33350
Add support to DiskBlockManager to create merge directory and to get the local shuffle merged data - SPARK-32923
Add support to properly handle different type of stage retries - SPARK-32922
Add support for ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator to read from merged shuffle partitions and to fallback to original shuffle blocks if encountering failures - SPARK-32921
Extend MapOutputTracker to support tracking and serving the metadata about each merged shuffle partitions for a given shuffle in push-based shuffle scenario - SPARK-32920
Add support in Spark driver to coordinate the finalization of the push/merge phase in push-based shuffle for a given shuffle and the initiation of the reduce stage - SPARK-32919
Add support in Spark driver to coordinate the shuffle map stage in push-based shuffle by selecting external shuffle services for merging shuffle partitions - SPARK-32918
RPC implementation to support control plane coordination for push-based shuffle - SPARK-32917
Add support for executors to push shuffle blocks after successful map task completion - SPARK-32916
Add support for external shuffle service in YARN deployment mode to leverage push-based shuffle - SPARK-32915
RPC implementation to support pushing and merging shuffle blocks
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