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- SPARK-45509
Investigate the behavior difference in self-join - SPARK-45001
Implement DataFrame.foreachPartition - SPARK-45000
Implement DataFrame.foreach - SPARK-43879
Decouple handle command and send response on server side - SPARK-43146
Implement eager evaluation. - SPARK-42998
Fix DataFrame.collect with null struct. - SPARK-42985
Fix createDataFrame from pandas to respect session timezone. - SPARK-42984
Fix test_createDataFrame_with_single_data_type. - SPARK-42983
Fix the error message of createDataFrame from np.array(0) - SPARK-42982
Fix createDataFrame from pandas with map type - SPARK-42969
Fix the comparison the result with Arrow optimization enabled/disabled. - SPARK-42929
make mapInPandas / mapInArrow support "is_barrier" - SPARK-42889
Implement cache, persist, unpersist, and storageLevel - SPARK-42875
Fix toPandas to handle timezone and map types properly. - SPARK-42848
Implement DataFrame.registerTempTable - SPARK-42615
Refactor the AnalyzePlan RPC and add `session.version` - SPARK-42431
Union avoid calling `output` before analysis - SPARK-42378
Make `DataFrame.select` support `a.*` - SPARK-42367
DataFrame.drop should handle duplicated columns properly - SPARK-42338
Different exception in DataFrame.sample - SPARK-42267
Support left_outer join - SPARK-42265
DataFrame.createTempView - SparkConnectGrpcException: requirement failed - SPARK-42213
Failed to test ClientE2ETestSuite with maven - SPARK-42089
Different result in nested lambda function - SPARK-42085
Make `from_arrow_schema` support nested types - SPARK-42076
Factor data conversion `arrow -> rows` out to `conversion.py` - SPARK-41988
Fix map_filter and map_zip_with output order - SPARK-41987
createDataFrame supports column with map type. - SPARK-41963
Different exception message in DataFrame.unpivot - SPARK-41957
Enable the doctest for `DataFrame.hint` - SPARK-41945
Python: connect client lost column data with pyarrow.Table.to_pylist - SPARK-41936
Make `withMetadata` reuse the `withColumns` proto - SPARK-41927
Add the unsupported list for `GroupedData` - SPARK-41924
Make StructType support metadata and Implement `DataFrame.withMetadata` - SPARK-41923
Add `DataFrame.writeTo` to the unsupported list - SPARK-41922
Implement DataFrame `semanticHash` - SPARK-41907
Function `sampleby` return parity - SPARK-41906
Handle Function `rand() ` - SPARK-41905
Function `slice` should handle string in params - SPARK-41904
Fix Function `nth_value` functions output - SPARK-41902
Parity in String representation of higher_order_function's output - SPARK-41901
Parity in String representation of Column - SPARK-41899
DataFrame.createDataFrame converting int to bigint - SPARK-41898
Window.rowsBetween should handle `float("-inf")` and `float("+inf")` as argument - SPARK-41897
Parity in Error types between pyspark and connect functions - SPARK-41888
Support StreamingQueryListener for DataFrame.observe - SPARK-41887
Support DataFrame hint parameter to be list - SPARK-41886
`DataFrame.intersect` doctest output has different order - SPARK-41884
DataFrame `toPandas` parity in return types - SPARK-41881
`DataFrame.collect` should handle None/NaN properly
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