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- SQOOP-3395
Document Hadoop CredentialProvider usage in case of import into S3 - SQOOP-3394
External Hive table tests should use unique external dir names - SQOOP-3391
Test storing AWS credentials in Hadoop CredentialProvider during import - SQOOP-3390
Document S3Guard usage with Sqoop - SQOOP-3384
Document import into external Hive table backed by S3 - SQOOP-3383
Disable FileSystem static cache in S3 tests - SQOOP-3376
Test import into external Hive table backed by S3 - SQOOP-3373
Document simple and incremental import into S3 - SQOOP-3368
Add fail-fast scenarios to S3 incremental import use cases without --temporary-rootdir option - SQOOP-3363
Test incremental import with S3 - SQOOP-3351
Add hadoop-aws dependency in Gradle - SQOOP-3348
Add hadoop-aws dependency and S3 credential generator logic for tests - SQOOP-3347
Make verify() more generic in AvroTestUtils - SQOOP-3346
Upgrade Hadoop version to 2.8.0
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