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- YARN-1225
FinishApplicationMasterRequest should also have a final IPC/RPC address. - YARN-1223
ApplicationContants should be a proto definition instead of being a java class - YARN-983
ApplicationReport can return tokens only when users asks for it explicitly - YARN-973
yarn.application.classpath requires client to know service internals - YARN-921
Consider adding clone methods to protocol objects - YARN-818
YARN application classpath should add $PWD/* in addition to $PWD - YARN-743
AMRMClient should have a separate setProgress instead of sending progress as part of allocate - YARN-612
Cleanup BuilderUtils - YARN-559
Make all YARN API and libraries available through an api jar - YARN-552
Expose resource metrics as part of YarnClusterMetrics - YARN-519
Investigate adding a more generic error field to AMResponse - YARN-435
Make it easier to access cluster topology information in an AM - YARN-308
Improve documentation about what "asks" means in AMRMProtocol - YARN-69
RM should throw different exceptions for while querying app/node/queue
[{"id":-1,"name":"My open issues","jql":"assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-2,"name":"Reported by me","jql":"reporter = currentUser() order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-4,"name":"All issues","jql":"order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-5,"name":"Open issues","jql":"resolution = Unresolved order by priority DESC,updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-9,"name":"Done issues","jql":"statusCategory = Done order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-3,"name":"Viewed recently","jql":"issuekey in issueHistory() order by lastViewed DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-6,"name":"Created recently","jql":"created >= -1w order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-7,"name":"Resolved recently","jql":"resolutiondate >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-8,"name":"Updated recently","jql":"updated >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false}]