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- YARN-4877
Add a way to push out updated service tokens to containers - YARN-3669
Attempt-failures validatiy interval should have a global admin configurable lower limit - YARN-3480
Recovery may get very slow with lots of services with lots of app-attempts - YARN-2793
YARN service containers to support different memory limit policies - YARN-2704
Localization and log-aggregation will fail if hdfs delegation token expired after token-max-life-time - YARN-1808
add ability for AM to attach simple state information to containers - YARN-1727
provide (async) application lifecycle events to management tools - YARN-1016
Define a HDFS based repository that allows YARN services to share resources - YARN-941
RM Should have a way to update the tokens it has for a running application - YARN-611
Add an AM retry count reset window to YARN RM
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