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- YETUS-386
document --html-report-file and clean up htmlout's comments - YETUS-385
test plugin for author tag detection should have a way to opt-out of specific instances - YETUS-384
In build driver mode, some plugins have misleading status text - YETUS-378
flink, hbase, jmeter personalities custom tests need to be made qbt aware - YETUS-376
add ability to write report to an HTML formatted file - YETUS-375
build driver: maven install actually needs to be dumber - YETUS-374
need a way to ignore results from a list of tests - YETUS-373
build driver: maven install should be smarter - YETUS-372
build driver: unit tests still mentions patches - YETUS-371
build driver: speed up checkstyle - YETUS-357
build driver for hadoop shouldn't union unit tests - YETUS-356
build driver: author plug-in still mentions patches - YETUS-354
findbugs in build driver has problems - YETUS-353
runtime wrapper for build driver - YETUS-352
hadoop and hbase personality changes for build driver - YETUS-351
documentation changes for build driver - YETUS-350
plug-in changes for build driver - YETUS-349
core engine changes for build driver - YETUS-348
add ability to write console report to a file - YETUS-347
change docker's extraargs to be an array
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