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- HDDS-4338
SCM web UI banner shows "HDFS SCM" - HDDS-3998
Shorten Ozone FS Hadoop compatibility module names - HDDS-4073
Remove leftover robot.robot - HDDS-4045
Add more ignore rules to the RAT ignore list - HDDS-4615
Update bouncycastle to 1.67 - HDDS-4526
Remove false-positive error logs from LeaseManager - HDDS-4566
inconsistencies Port describtion in Monitoring with Prometheus document - HDDS-4793
Allow recon access /dbCheckpoint in ozonesecure-om-ha - HDDS-4462
Add --frozen-lockfile to pnpm install to prevent ozone-recon-web/pnpm-lock.yaml from being updated automatically - HDDS-4038
Eliminate GitHub check warnings - HDDS-4885
ozone admin datanode list filter by UUID broken - HDDS-4887
Useless message about node schema location - HDDS-3877
Do not fail CI check for log upload failure - HDDS-4311
Type-safe config design doc points to OM HA - HDDS-4247
Fixed log4j usage in some places - HDDS-4149
Implement OzoneFileStatus#toString - HDDS-4343
ReplicationManager.handleOverReplicatedContainer() does not handle unhealthyReplicas properly. - HDDS-4204
upgrade docker environment does not work with KEEP_RUNNING=true - HDDS-4165
GitHub Actions cache does not work outside of workspace - HDDS-4228
add field 'num' to ALLOCATE_BLOCK of scm audit log. - HDDS-4207
Include version information in docs - HDDS-4077
Incomplete OzoneFileSystem statistics - HDDS-4032
Run author check without docker - HDDS-3718
improve OmKeyLocationInfoGroup internal data structure - HDDS-4030
Remember the selected columns and make the X-axis scrollable in recon datanodes UI - HDDS-4280
Document notable configurations for Recon - HDDS-4162
Use BeforeClass to init test cluster in TestOzoneFileSystem - HDDS-3395
Move the protobuf convert code to the OMHelper - HDDS-3972
Add option to limit number of items while displaying through ldb tool. - HDDS-3797
Fix the mismatched dependency versions in submodule hadoop-ozone-filesystem-hadoop2 - HDDS-4528
Upgrade slf4j to 1.7.30 - HDDS-4586
Mismatch in prefix of DN and SCM http.auth.type config key - HDDS-4857
Format ReplicationType.java which indentation are confusion. - HDDS-4576
TestDefaultCertificateClient misuses chars param of random() - HDDS-1157
TestOzoneContainerWithTLS is failing with SSLHandshakeException - HDDS-2402
Adapt hadolint check to improved CI framework - HDDS-4425
NM container does not wait for RM due to typo - HDDS-952
Improve KeyHandler#putKey readability - HDDS-3927
Rename Ozone OM,DN,SCM runtime options to conform to naming conventions - HDDS-3917
Add recon to no_proxy of docker-config for acceptance test - HDDS-3773
Add OMDBDefinition to define structure of om.db - HDDS-4590
Duplicate dependency hadoop-hdds-hadoop-dependency-server in datanode - HDDS-3989
Display revision and build date of DN in recon UI - HDDS-5396
Fix negligence issue conditional expressions in MockCRLStore.java - HDDS-5063
Remove hadoop- prefixes from release artifacts (release branch) - HDDS-5077
Include dev-support in ozone source distribution - HDDS-5069
Fix issues related to Ozone binary name change - HDDS-4076
Translate CSI.md into Chinese - HDDS-4102
Normalize Keypath for lookupKey - HDDS-3980
Correct the toString of RangeHeader
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