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- HDFS-2673
While Namenode processing the blocksBeingWrittenReport, it will log incorrect number blocks count - HDFS-2429
webhdfs delete a path that does not exists returns a 200, we should return a 404 - HDFS-2741
dfs.datanode.max.xcievers missing in - HDFS-2589
unnecessary hftp token fetch and renewal thread - HDFS-2508
webhdfs getfileblocklocations is not returning the correct block information when multiple blocks are present - HDFS-2469
webhdfs create a file and send buffersize=0 hangs the request - HDFS-2468
webhdfs create a file and send permission does not set the permission to the expected value - HDFS-2460
webhdfs returns content type text/html when an error is thrown, we should return application/json - HDFS-2419
hadoop calls cat, tail, get, copyToLocal, on a secure cluster with an webhdfs uri fail with a 401 - HDFS-2494
[webhdfs] When Getting the file using OP=OPEN with DN http address, ESTABLISHED sockets are growing. - HDFS-2450
Only complete hostname is supported to access data via hdfs:// - HDFS-2453
tail using a webhdfs uri throws an error - HDFS-2456
webhdfs default to a replication factor of 1 instead of using the dfs.replication property - HDFS-2463
webhdfs able to write data to a file that was readonly - HDFS-2462
webhdfs create a file that exists and overwrite it also changes the permission of the file - HDFS-2501
add version prefix and root methods to webhdfs - HDFS-2432
webhdfs setreplication api should return a 403 when called on a directory - HDFS-2426
webhdfs GETFILESTATUAS for a path that does not exist returns a 200 instead of a 404 - HDFS-2438
webhdfs setowner and send an empty value for owner returns a 200 and does a no-op, we should return a 400 instead - HDFS-1257
Race condition on FSNamesystem#recentInvalidateSets introduced by HADOOP-5124 - HDFS-617
Support for non-recursive create() in HDFS - HDFS-611
Heartbeats times from Datanodes increase when there are plenty of blocks to delete - HDFS-2246
Shortcut a local client reads to a Datanodes files directly - HDFS-1943
fail to start datanode while start-dfs.sh is executed by root user
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