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- HDFS-3375
Put client name in DataXceiver thread name for readBlock and keepalive - HDFS-4444
Add space between total transaction time and number of transactions in FSEditLog#printStatistics - HDFS-3234
Accidentally left log message in GetConf after HDFS-3226 - HDFS-3240
Drop log level of "heartbeat: ..." in BPServiceActor to DEBUG - HDFS-3249
Use ToolRunner.confirmPrompt in NameNode - HDFS-3572
Cleanup code which inits SPNEGO in HttpServer - HDFS-2075
Add "Number of Reporting Nodes" to namenode web UI - HDFS-3414
Balancer does not find NameNode if rpc-address or servicerpc-address are not set in client configs - HDFS-3398
Client will not retry when primaryDN is down once it's just got pipeline - HDFS-3338
change INode to package private - HDFS-3315
Improve bootstrapStandby error message when other NN has misconfigured http address - HDFS-3379
move setBlock() to INodeFileUC - HDFS-3360
SNN gets Shutdown if the conf "dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir" and "dfs.namenode.checkpoint.edits.dir" is configured to more than 6 comma seperated values with 3-4 level in each directories - HDFS-3365
Enable users to disable socket caching in DFS client configuration - HDFS-3290
Use a better local directory layout for the datanode - HDFS-3339
change INode to package private - HDFS-3304
fix fuse_dfs build - HDFS-3369
change variable names referring to inode in blockmanagement to more appropriate - HDFS-3390
DFSAdmin should print full stack traces of errors when DEBUG logging is enabled - HDFS-3363
blockmanagement should stop using INodeFile & INodeFileUC - HDFS-3341
Change minimum RPC versions to 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT instead of 2.0.0 - HDFS-3284
bootstrapStandby fails in secure cluster - HDFS-3574
Fix small race and do some cleanup in GetImageServlet - HDFS-3187
Upgrade guava to 11.0.2 - HDFS-3115
Update hdfs design doc to consider HA NNs - HDFS-3267
TestBlocksWithNotEnoughRacks races with DN startup - HDFS-3269
End-to-end test for making a non-HA HDFS cluster HA-enabled - HDFS-3165
HDFS Balancer scripts are refering to wrong path of hadoop-daemon.sh - HDFS-3128
Unit tests should not use a test root in /tmp - HDFS-3320
When dfs.namenode.safemode.min.datanodes is configured there is a mismatch in UI report - HDFS-3190
Simple refactors in existing NN code to assist QuorumJournalManager extension - HDFS-3209
dfs.namenode.hosts* configuration options are unused - HDFS-3247
Improve bootstrapStandby behavior when original NN is not active - HDFS-3236
NameNode does not initialize generic conf keys when started with -initializeSharedEditsDir - HDFS-2708
Stats for the # of blocks per DN - HDFS-3167
CLI-based driver for MiniDFSCluster - HDFS-3556
Allow non-HA clients to use HA tokens - HDFS-2148
Address all the federation TODOs - HDFS-3423
BKJM: NN startup is failing, when tries to recoverUnfinalizedSegments() a bad inProgress_ ZNodes - HDFS-3467
NN is getting shutdown by throwing IllegalArgumentException - HDFS-3404
Make putImage in GetImageServlet infer remote address to fetch from request - HDFS-3395
NN doesn't start with HA+security enabled and HTTP address set to - HDFS-3411
Balancer fails to balance blocks between aboveAvgUtilized and belowAvgUtilized datanodes. - HDFS-3373
FileContext HDFS implementation can leak socket caches - HDFS-3351
NameNode#initializeGenericKeys should always set fs.defaultFS regardless of whether HA or Federation is enabled - HDFS-3410
BlockPoolSliceScanner is too chatty - HDFS-3399
BookKeeper option support for NN HA - HDFS-3305
GetImageServlet should consider SBN a valid requestor in a secure HA setup - HDFS-3287
'hdfs -format' should be able to initialize non-file journal managers. - HDFS-3286
When the threshold value for balancer is 0(zero) ,unexpected output is displayed
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