Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- SPARK-8120
Typos in warning message in sql/types.py - SPARK-8769
toLocalIterator should mention it results in many jobs - SPARK-8746
Need to update download link for Hive 0.13.1 jars (HiveComparisonTest) - SPARK-8475
SparkSubmit with Ivy jars is very slow to load with no internet access - SPARK-8350
R unit tests output should be logged to "unit-tests.log" - SPARK-8372
History server shows incorrect information for application not started - SPARK-8392
RDDOperationGraph: getting cached nodes is slow - SPARK-8399
Overlap between histograms and axis' name in Spark Streaming UI - SPARK-8373
When an RDD has no partition, Python sum will throw "Can not reduce() empty RDD" - SPARK-8138
Error message for discovered conflicting partition columns is not intuitive - SPARK-8126
Use temp directory under build dir for unit tests - SPARK-8139
Documents data sources and Parquet output committer related options - SPARK-8116
sc.range() doesn't match python range() - SPARK-8112
Received block event count through the StreamingListener can be negative - SPARK-8754
YarnClientSchedulerBackend doesn't stop gracefully in failure conditions - SPARK-8395
spark-submit documentation is incorrect - SPARK-7387
CrossValidator example code in Python - SPARK-8001
Make AsynchronousListenerBus.waitUntilEmpty throw TimeoutException if timeout - SPARK-8043
update NaiveBayes and SVM examples in doc - SPARK-11623
Sparksql-1.4.1 DataFrameWrite.jdbc() bug - SPARK-10698
Calculate R2 value and Adjusted R-2 value for Linear Regression. - SPARK-10967
ignore - Incorrect UNION ALL behavior - SPARK-8511
Modify ML Python tests to remove saved models - SPARK-8306
AddJar command needs to set the new class loader to the HiveConf inside executionHive.state. - SPARK-8123
Bucketizer must implement copy - SPARK-8079
NPE when HadoopFsRelation.prepareForWriteJob throws exception - SPARK-7982
crosstab should use 0 instead of null for pairs that don't appear - SPARK-8051
StringIndexerModel (and other models) shouldn't complain if the input column is missing. - SPARK-8687
Spark on yarn-client mode can't send `spark.yarn.credentials.file` to executor. - SPARK-8404
Use thread-safe collections to make KafkaStreamSuite tests more reliable - SPARK-8282
Make number of threads used in RBackend configurable - SPARK-8095
Spark package dependencies not resolved when package is in local-ivy-cache - SPARK-8091
SerializationDebugger does not handle classes with writeObject method - SPARK-8090
SerializationDebugger does not handle classes with writeReplace correctly - SPARK-8083
Fix return to drivers link in Mesos driver page - SPARK-8088
ExecutionAllocationManager spamming INFO logs about "Lowering target number of executors" - SPARK-8061
Document how to use "hadoop provided" builds - SPARK-8060
Improve Python reader/writer interface doc and testing - SPARK-8017
YARN cluster python --py-files does not work - SPARK-8594
History Server doesn't show complete application when one attempt inprogress - SPARK-8578
Should ignore user defined output committer when appending data - SPARK-8574
org/apache/spark/unsafe doesn't honor the java source/target versions - SPARK-8483
Remove commons-lang3 depedency from flume-sink - SPARK-8161
externalBlockStoreInitialized is never set to be true - SPARK-8150
IDFModel must implement copy - SPARK-8049
OneVsRest's output includes a temp column - SPARK-8619
Can't find the keytab file when recovering the streaming application. - SPARK-8330
DAG visualization: trim whitespace from input - SPARK-7955
Dynamic allocation: longer timeout for executors with cached blocks - SPARK-9220
Streaming K-means implementation exception while processing windowed stream
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