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- SPARK-19206
Update outdated parameter descriptions in external-kafka module - SPARK-19333
Files out of compliance with ASF policy - SPARK-18488
Update the value of "spark.ui.port" after application started in cluster mode. - SPARK-18426
Python Documentation Fix for Structured Streaming Programming Guide - SPARK-19110
DistributedLDAModel returns different logPrior for original and loaded model - SPARK-18853
Project (UnaryNode) is way too aggressive in estimating statistics - SPARK-16827
Stop reporting spill metrics as shuffle metrics - SPARK-20214
pyspark linalg _convert_to_vector should check for sorted indices - SPARK-18989
DESC TABLE should not fail with format class not found - SPARK-17822
JVMObjectTracker.objMap may leak JVM objects - SPARK-17823
Make JVMObjectTracker.objMap thread-safe - SPARK-18461
Improve docs on StreamingQueryListener and StreamingQuery.status - SPARK-18368
Regular expression replace throws NullPointerException when serialized - SPARK-18869
Add TreeNode.p that returns BaseType - SPARK-18470
Provide Spark Streaming Monitor Rest Api - SPARK-18462
SparkListenerDriverAccumUpdates event does not deserialize properly in history server - SPARK-18969
PullOutNondeterministic should work for Aggregate operator - SPARK-18617
Close "kryo auto pick" feature for Spark Streaming - SPARK-18854
getNodeNumbered and generateTreeString are not consistent - SPARK-18474
Add StreamingQuery.status in python - SPARK-18928
FileScanRDD, JDBCRDD, and UnsafeSorter should support task cancellation - SPARK-19529
TransportClientFactory.createClient() shouldn't call awaitUninterruptibly() - SPARK-19459
ORC tables cannot be read when they contain char/varchar columns - SPARK-19348
pyspark.ml.Pipeline gets corrupted under multi threaded use - SPARK-18519
map type can not be used in EqualTo - SPARK-18459
Rename triggerId to batchId in StreamingQueryStatus.triggerDetails - SPARK-18460
Include triggerDetails in StreamingQueryStatus.json - SPARK-18189
task not serializable with groupByKey() + mapGroups() + map - SPARK-18200
GraphX Invalid initial capacity when running triangleCount - SPARK-19133
SparkR glm Gamma family results in error - SPARK-18274
Memory leak in PySpark StringIndexer - SPARK-18560
Receiver data can not be dataSerialized properly. - SPARK-18553
Executor loss may cause TaskSetManager to be leaked - SPARK-18387
Test that expressions can be serialized - SPARK-18132
spark 2.0 branch's spark-release-publish failed because style check failed.
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