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- SPARK-24614
PySpark - Fix SyntaxWarning on tests.py - SPARK-28295
Is there a way of getting feature names from pyspark.ml.regression GeneralizedLinearRegression? - SPARK-23660
Yarn throws exception in cluster mode when the application is small - SPARK-23630
Spark-on-YARN missing user customizations of hadoop config - SPARK-23291
SparkR : substr : In SparkR dataframe , starting and ending position arguments in "substr" is giving wrong result when the position is greater than 1 - SPARK-23616
Streaming self-join using SQL throws resolution exceptions - SPARK-24188
/api/v1/version not working - SPARK-19964
Flaky test: SparkSubmitSuite "includes jars passed in through --packages" - SPARK-23004
Structured Streaming raise "llegalStateException: Cannot remove after already committed or aborted" - SPARK-22883
ML test for StructuredStreaming: spark.ml.feature, A-M - SPARK-23406
Stream-stream self joins does not work - SPARK-24444
Improve pandas_udf GROUPED_MAP docs to explain column assignment - SPARK-23827
StreamingJoinExec should ensure that input data is partitioned into specific number of partitions - SPARK-23754
StopIterator exception in Python UDF results in partial result - SPARK-24373
"df.cache() df.count()" no longer eagerly caches data when the analyzed plans are different after re-analyzing the plans - SPARK-24309
AsyncEventQueue should handle an interrupt from a Listener - SPARK-24257
LongToUnsafeRowMap calculate the new size may be wrong - SPARK-24392
Mark pandas_udf as Experimental
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