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- TEZ-1711
Don't cache outputSpecList in VertexImpl.getOutputSpecList(taskIndex) - TEZ-1710
Add support for cluster default AM/task launch opts - TEZ-1728
Remove local host name from Fetcher thread name - TEZ-1727
FileName generated by OnDiskMerger is longer than required - TEZ-1713
tez.lib.uris should not require the paths specified to be fully qualified - TEZ-1683
Do ugi::getGroups only when necessary when checking ACLs - TEZ-1688
Add applicationId as a primary filter for all Timeline data for easier export - TEZ-1658
Additional data generation to Timeline for UI - TEZ-1673
Update the default value for allowed node failures, num events per heartbeat and counter update interval - TEZ-1664
Add checks to ensure that the client and AM are compatible - TEZ-1176
Set parallelism should end up sending an update to ATS if numTasks are updated at run-time - TEZ-1525
BroadcastLoadGen testcase - TEZ-1083
Enable IFile RLE for DefaultSorter - TEZ-1542
Local Mode crashes on concurrentModificationException - TEZ-1484
testTaskSchedulerWithReuse is unstable - TEZ-1735
Allow setting basic info per DAG for Tez UI - TEZ-1590
Fetchers should not report failures after the Processor on the task completes - TEZ-1668
InputInitializers should be able to register for Vertex state updates in the constructor itself - TEZ-1703
Exception handling for InputInitializer - TEZ-1667
Add a system test for InitializerEvents - TEZ-1717
Flaky test: TestDAGImpl.testEdgeManager_GetNumSourceTaskPhysicalOutputs - TEZ-1712
SSL context gets destroyed too soon after downloading data from one of the vertices - TEZ-1479
Disambiguate between ShuffleInputEventHandler and ShuffleInputEventHandlerImpl (which are not related) - TEZ-1566
Reduce log verbosity - TEZ-1659
One Pig on tez hang due to a tez setting - TEZ-1567
Avoid blacklisting nodes when the disable blacklisting threshold is about to be hit - TEZ-1726
Build broken against Hadoop-2.6.0 due to change in NodeReport - TEZ-1666
UserPayload should be null if the payload is not specified - TEZ-1267
Exception handling for VertexManager - TEZ-1424
Fixes to DAG text representation in debug mode - TEZ-1731
OnDiskMerger can end up clobbering files across tasks with LocalDiskFetch - TEZ-1669
yarn-swimlanes.sh throws error post TEZ-1556 - TEZ-1689
Exception handling for EdgeManagerPlugin - TEZ-1674
Rename parameters related to counters / memory distribution - TEZ-1638
Missing type parametrization in runtime Input/Output configs - TEZ-1682
Tez AM hangs at times when there are task failures - TEZ-2167
Getting java.lang.VerifyError for protocol buffer dependencies, while trying to run tez-0.5.2 on pig-0.14
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