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- YARN-11449
Fix Intermittent NPE while getting node labels for queue - YARN-7736
Fix itemization in YARN federation document - YARN-11384
NPE in DelegationTokenRenewer causes all subsequent apps to fail with "Timer already cancelled" - YARN-11406
Print Resource Utilization Aggregates of a Container in logs - YARN-11405
Track and Expose Resource Utilization Aggregates metric of a Container - YARN-9438
launchTime not written to state store for running applications - YARN-8858
CapacityScheduler should respect maximum node resource when per-queue maximum-allocation is being used. - YARN-9824
Fall back to configured queue ordering policy class name - YARN-9825
Changes for initializing placement rules with ResourceScheduler in branch-2 - YARN-9810
Add queue capacity/maxcapacity percentage metrics - YARN-9764
Print application submission context label in application summary - YARN-9760
Support configuring application priorities on a workflow level - YARN-7946
Update TimelineServerV2 doc as per YARN-7919 - YARN-7890
NPE during container relaunch - YARN-8200
Backport resource types/GPU features to branch-3.0/branch-2 - YARN-8399
NodeManager is giving 403 GSS exception post upgrade to 3.1 in secure mode - YARN-8331
Race condition in NM container launched after done - YARN-8003
Backport the code structure changes in YARN-7346 to branch-2 - YARN-7945
Java Doc error in UnmanagedAMPoolManager for branch-2 - YARN-6966
NodeManager metrics may return wrong negative values when NM restart - YARN-8319
More YARN pages need to honor yarn.resourcemanager.display.per-user-apps - YARN-8310
Handle old NMTokenIdentifier, AMRMTokenIdentifier, and ContainerTokenIdentifier formats - YARN-7585
NodeManager should go unhealthy when state store throws DBException - YARN-10343
Legacy RM UI should include labeled metrics for allocated, total, and reserved resources. - YARN-9844
TestCapacitySchedulerPerf test errors in branch-2 - YARN-9858
Optimize RMContext getExclusiveEnforcedPartitions - YARN-9763
Print application tags in application summary - YARN-9761
Allow overriding application submissions based on server side configs - YARN-9762
Add submission context label to audit logs - YARN-9730
Support forcing configured partitions to be exclusive based on app node label - YARN-7810
TestDockerContainerRuntime test failures due to UID lookup of a non-existent user - YARN-7590
Improve container-executor validation check - YARN-8051
TestRMEmbeddedElector#testCallbackSynchronization is flakey - YARN-8473
Containers being launched as app tears down can leave containers in NEW state - YARN-8405
RM zk-state-store.parent-path ACLs has been changed since HADOOP-14773 - YARN-5594
Handle old RMDelegationToken format when recovering RM - YARN-8292
Fix the dominant resource preemption cannot happen when some of the resource vector becomes negative - YARN-8804
resourceLimits may be wrongly calculated when leaf-queue is blocked in cluster with 3+ level queues - YARN-8233
NPE in CapacityScheduler#tryCommit when handling allocate/reserve proposal whose allocatedOrReservedContainer is null - YARN-7765
[Atsv2] GSSException: No valid credentials provided - Failed to find any Kerberos tgt thrown by Timelinev2Client & HBaseClient in NM - YARN-7873
Revert YARN-6078
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