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- CXF-7526
Couldn't parse stream - CXF-7402
Apache CXF Policy Exception - CXF-7245
Weblogic 10.3.6 + CXF 2.7.12 : The signature or decryption was invalid - CXF-6658
Make ServletContextResourceResolver optionally ignored - CXF-6657
CXF Failover using JAXRS prevents header retrieval from ResponseExceptionMappers - CXF-6653
NPE may result while generating a SequenceFault in WS-RM 1.1 - CXF-6638
AsyncHTTPConduit does not allow body payloads with "PATCH" method - CXF-6637
@GZIP and similar CXF annotations are not recognized if set on super classes - CXF-6632
Memory leak due to literal keys in WSDLDefinition map - CXF-6621
Schema imports are not handled correctly in generated WSDL and XSD files when using catalog rewrites - CXF-6614
"Comparison method violates its general contract" in DestinationRegistryImpl.getSortedDestinations - CXF-6609
Data Race in org/apache/cxf/transport/http/HTTPConduit.prepare - CXF-6606
Encoded characters in URI are decoded multiple times during preprocess - CXF-6599
CXF ProxyHelper might cause OOM like conditions - CXF-6593
Some thread-local contexts may get lost on the client side after a refresh - CXF-6591
Aegis DataSourceType.getBytes fails to close the InputStream fetched from DataSource, which prevents the underlying file to be deleted on Windows - CXF-6580
wsdl2java - Issue with import to default namespace - CXF-6579
Inflated tokens can be corrupted if compression ratio is greater than 2:1 - CXF-6575
WS-A Action generation defect - CXF-6570
FormattedServiceListWriter - meta http-equiv value not quoted - CXF-6552
Multiple chained schema imports not handled correctly - CXF-6551
Digest authentication to intermediate HTTP proxy fails with 407 without retry - CXF-6527
WSDLRefValidator reject valid target reference URI/IRI - CXF-6522
ThreadLocalInvocationHandler doesn't handle InvocationTargetException - CXF-6519
WS-RM - Invalid response for CloseSequence - CXF-6517
Regression in 3.1.2 attachment handling - CXF-6488
Binding style vs part type R2203 And R2204 problems in wsdl document - CXF-6413
WSDL Import SchemaLocation Error on Relative Path - CXF-6198
No SOAPFault for HTTP error code 400 - CXF-6172
WS-Discovery should work also in IPv6 only environment - CXF-4751
Schema validation causes false validation error under concurrent load for on outgoing message
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