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- HIVE-5314
Commit vectorization test data, comment/rename vectorization tests. - HIVE-5309
Update hive-default.xml.template for vectorization flag; remove unused imports from MetaStoreUtils.java - HIVE-5308
The code generation should be part of the build process. - HIVE-5226
orc_create.q and other orc tests fail on the branch. - HIVE-5187
Enhance explain to indicate vectorized execution of operators. - HIVE-5152
Vector operators should inherit from non-vector operators for code re-use. - HIVE-5146
FilterExprOrExpr changes the order of the rows - HIVE-5126
Make vector expressions serializable. - HIVE-4989
Consolidate and simplify vectorization code and test generation - HIVE-4971
Unit test failure in TestVectorTimestampExpressions - HIVE-4961
Create bridge for custom UDFs to operate in vectorized mode - HIVE-4959
Vectorized plan generation should be added as an optimization transform. - HIVE-4937
Create description annotations for vectorized UDF - HIVE-4931
MAX/MIN aggregates yield incorrect results - HIVE-4922
create template for string scalar compared with string column - HIVE-4909
Vectorized ORC reader does not set isRepeating flag correctly when 1’s are present is the input stream - HIVE-4884
ORC TimestampTreeReader.nextVector() off by a second when time in fractional - HIVE-4859
String column comparison classes should be renamed. - HIVE-4848
std, stddev and stddev_pop aggregates on double/float fail to vectorize - HIVE-4828
Make vectorization branch compile under JDK 7 - HIVE-4823
implement vectorized TRIM(), LTRIM(), RTRIM() - HIVE-4822
implement vectorized math functions - HIVE-4794
Unit e2e tests for vectorization - HIVE-4787
make vectorized LOWER(), UPPER(), LENGTH() work end-to-end; support expression input for vectorized LIKE - HIVE-4786
Incorrect aggregate results - HIVE-4774
Hive Runtime Error while closing operators: java.lang.NullPointerException - HIVE-4770
Null Pointer Exception in Group By Operator - HIVE-4769
Vectorized ORC reader does not handle absence of column present stream correctly. - HIVE-4758
NULLs and record separators broken with vectorization branch intermediate outputs - HIVE-4754
OrcInputFormat should be enhanced to provide vectorized input. - HIVE-4745
java.lang.RuntimeException: Hive Runtime Error while closing operators: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.hadoop.io.NullWritable cannot be cast to org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.io.DoubleWritable - HIVE-4744
Unary Minus Expression Throwing java.lang.NullPointerException - HIVE-4727
Optimize ORC StringTreeReader::nextVector to not create dictionary of strings for each call to nextVector - HIVE-4718
array out of bounds exception near VectorHashKeyWrapper.getBytes() with 2 column GROUP BY - HIVE-4716
Classcast exception with two group by keys of types string and tinyint. - HIVE-4714
Vectorized Sum of scalar subtract column returns negative result when positive exected - HIVE-4706
Query on Table with partition columns fail with AlreadyBeingCreatedException - HIVE-4704
TestCase FakeVectorRowBatchFromObjectIterables error - HIVE-4702
Unit test failure TestVectorSelectOperator - HIVE-4699
Integrate basic UDFs for Timesamp - HIVE-4695
Unit test failure in TestColumnColumnOperationVectorExpressionEvaluation - HIVE-4694
Fix ORC TestVectorizedORCReader testcase for Timestamps - HIVE-4688
NPE in writing null values. - HIVE-4686
Max on float returning wrong results - HIVE-4685
query using LIKE does not vectorize - HIVE-4684
Query with filter constant on left of "=" and column expression on right does not vectorize - HIVE-4681
Fix ORC TimestampTreeReader.nextVector() to handle milli-nano math corectly - HIVE-4673
Use VectorExpessionWriter to write column vectors into Writables. - HIVE-4667
tpch query 1 fails with java.lang.ClassCastException - HIVE-4666
Count(*) over tpch lineitem ORC results in Error: Java heap space
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