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- SM-2114
It would be nice to have a Krati implementation for the org.apache.servicemix.store interface. Also, it could be nice to have a Krati Persistence Provider for Hazelcast stores - SM-2110
HazelcastStore tests should not use the default group - SM-2109
EhCache Store Implementation - SM-2108
Create a Event Listener for ServiceMix stores - SM-2106
Upgrade to Hazelcast 1.9.3 (used in Hazelcast store) - SM-2088
Upgrade to ServiceMix Specs 1.8.0 - SM-2083
Release ServiceMix Utils 1.5.0 - SM-2069
SourceTransformer should cache DocumentBuilder & TransformerFactory - SM-2067
Create a Redis Store - SM-2064
Switch to SLF4J for servicemix-utils - SM-2063
Allow overriding parts of the executor configuration when creating a new executor - SM-2061
Hazelcast store should support reusing an existing Hazelcast instance. - SM-2047
Create a distributed memory store. - SM-1847
Executor service silently swallows any Errors being thrown from Runnable task - SM-1831
Messages with StaxSource content are not handled well when running in non-DEBUG mode - SM-1830
Enable Content Rereadability for StaxSource
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