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LP Bug: 1343566 - PARALLEL_NUM_ESPS should have an influence on a parallel hbase scan plan - TRAFODION-346
LP Bug: 1326103 - Optimizer always restricts HbaseScan DoP to number of nodes in cluster - TRAFODION-327
LP Bug: 1324591 - Performance regression with OpenCart queries - TRAFODION-301
LP Bug: 1323823 - compiler doesn't explore NJ plans for queries on seabase metadata table - TRAFODION-274
LP Bug: 1320334 - Can't run datalake_v40605 because of protobuf. - TRAFODION-271
LP Bug: 1320017 - DCS local-servers.sh script doesn't recognize --config switch - TRAFODION-213
LP Bug: 1302178 - Build fails in CDH4 env. Not compatible with Hive 0.10 - TRAFODION-172
LP Bug: 1274296 - JDBC T2 driver generates many cores with segmentation fault when running Phoenix tests - TRAFODION-171
LP Bug: 1274281 - JDBC T2 driver returns error 8813 accessing the ResultSet of a select count(*) statement - TRAFODION-155
LP Bug: 1251534 - JDBC program throws error if batch size is larger than batchBinding property value - TRAFODION-144
LP Bug: 1246923 - MXOSRVR connections gets rejected due to compiler internal error - TRAFODION-121
LP Bug: 1227256 - Need an official name for this project
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