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- WICKET-2242
java.sql.Timestamp converter bug - WICKET-2239
AbstractColumn::isSortable() doesn't know about overrided getSortProperty() - WICKET-2237
DateTimeField throws NPE if date is cleared - WICKET-2236
Palette problem in IE7 Problem - WICKET-2234
typo in pom.xml - WICKET-2233
getPageSettings().setAutomaticMultiWindowSupport(true); is said to be enabled by default in its javadoc but isn't - WICKET-2231
DatePicker doesn't work when CryptedUrlWebRequestCodingStrategy is in effect - WICKET-2230
Nested directory support for ZipResourceStream - WICKET-2229
Introduce Http/Https switcing support into core - WICKET-2223
DiskPageStore::convertToPage cleanup - WICKET-2220
YUI library used by Wicket Extensions - DateTime isn't IE8 compatible - WICKET-2219
More detailed error messages in wicket-ajax.js - WICKET-2218
DatePicker pick up wrong word when we use LOCALE_WEEKDAYS with 1char in chinese. - WICKET-2217
Add MD5 checksum to FileUpload component for uploaded files - WICKET-2216
DatePicker should not need to be extended to set a property - WICKET-2215
WebClientInfo does not set browerMajorVersion for IE8 - WICKET-2212
Resource lookup/caching in OSGI environment spams errors for gone resources - WICKET-2211
MetaPattern.PERCENT matches an empty string - WICKET-2210
AjaxButton and <?> - WICKET-2209
IFormValidator and <?> - WICKET-2207
Modal Window created with a page creator don't open on IE8 and direct to an invalid adress - WICKET-2205
typo in ApplicationContextMock.putBean() exception message: "alredy" - WICKET-2203
WicketTester clickLink on submitLink fails with conversion error - WICKET-2200
Unexpected RuntimeException: RestartResponseException in onBeforeRender of cached page - WICKET-2199
org.apache.wicket.settings.Settings#addStringResourceLoader(final IStringResourceLoader loader) does not conform to its JavaDoc - WICKET-2197
BaseWicketTester should not hardcode UTF-8 in isComponentOnAjaxResponse - WICKET-2196
still doesn't seem to work - AjaxEditableChoiceLabel ignores ChoiceRenderer in newLabel(...) - WICKET-2195
DefaultObjectStreamFactory needs Application during deserialization - WICKET-2191
WebApplication is not thread-safe - WICKET-2189
Generics for AjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable - WICKET-2187
less dynamic or missing toString( ) methods in Component class - WICKET-2186
PatternValidator could allow reverse matches - WICKET-2185
WicketServlet fallback() code should ignore query string params when resolving resources. - WICKET-2184
Check component id against invalid chars ':' and empty IDs - WICKET-2183
Fix API documentation for DataTable - WICKET-2181
Bounds error in PageableListView#getCurrentPage() - WICKET-2180
WicketSessionFilter assumes that the WicketFilter has already been inited - WICKET-2179
JavascriptResourceReference / CompressedResourceReference is "broken" - WICKET-2176
i18n: German Translation of MultiFileUploadField - WICKET-2175
onBeforeRender() set visibility of NavigationToolbar prevents it from showing again - WICKET-2174
Form#getMaxSize() -> no custom format - WICKET-2173
quickstart archetype adds invalid maven-compiler-plugin configuration - WICKET-2172
PageParameters construced with keyValuePairs does not handle array values - WICKET-2171
Base64UrlSafe claims to be RFC 3548 compliant, but isn't - WICKET-2170
@StatelessComponent contribution by Marat Radchenko - WICKET-2169
Left-align text in Wicket Ajax Debug Window - WICKET-2167
UrlValidator property is duplicated in Application_nl.properties - WICKET-2166
Invalid nested form tag name when the form is not visible and setoutputmarkupplaceholdertag(true) has been called - WICKET-2165
Improve the API's Consistency and Flexibility With Respect to Generics and Collections - WICKET-2163
Make Palette's "Choices" Model More Generics Friendly
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