Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
ambari-server, 2.7.3
CentOS 7
Maven 3.6
Java JDK 8
all packages for compillation installed.
3000+ Hosts, 20+Components
when adding a service, this two interfaces will be requested 4 or 5 times each:
- POST http://ip:port/api/v1/stacks/SEA/versions/0.1/recommendations
- POST http:// ip:port /api/v1/stacks/SEA/versions/0.1/validations
first interface costs about 38s, second interface cost about 34s, they both call method StackAdvisorCommand.invoke(xxx), a synchronized function.
when changing Components configurations the two inteferfaces are also be requested.
the above two interfaces make the UI too slow.