Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
linux with perl 5.8.8 and stomp
i have a program which use stomp to receive messages from activemq,
when i start it and wait for several minutes before close it, everything is ok.
but if i wait for one hour, for example, when i close it, then i find from the management page, the two consumers are still there.
and if i restart the program with these tow hanging consumers, then i could not receive any message.
i do not know whether it is a bug or just my program problem, sorry for disturb you here for an analyse, please.
here is my program:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Switch;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval);
use Net::Stomp;
use Term::ANSIColor;
#for multithread
use threads;
use threads::shared;
#for ActiveMQ connection
my $aq_host = "";
my $aq_port = '61613';
my $sSender;
my $sReceiver;
my $aReceiver;
my $queue1 = "queue1";
my $queue2 = "queue2";
my $running : shared = 1;
my $thread_th1;
my $thread_th2;
sub cleanup()
print colored ("\n.STOP received! \n", 'red');
print ".Stopping Thread1 ...... ";
my $r1 = $thread_th1->join();
print colored ("$r1\n", 'green');
print ".Stopping Thread2 ...... ";
my $r2 = $thread_th2->join();
print colored ("$r2\n", 'green');
print ".Disconnecting ActiveMQ connector ...... ";
print colored ("OK\n", 'green');
print "\n";
print colored ("ALL Nicely Stopped, see you!\n\n", 'yellow');
sub th1()
if ($sReceiver->can_read(
my $frame = $sReceiver->receive_frame;
my $body = $frame->body;
#print "get message from queue 1: $body \n";
#Ack msg for deleting after the procedure
$sReceiver->ack({ frame => $frame});
$sReceiver->unsubscribe({ destination => "/queue/$queue1"});
return "OK";
sub th2()
$aReceiver->subscribe({ destination => "/queue/$queue2", 'ack' => 'client', 'activemq.prefetchSize' => 1});
#get one message from queue
if ($aReceiver->can_read({timeout=>'1'}
my $frame = $aReceiver->receive_frame;
my $body = $frame->body;
#print "get message from queue 2: $body";
#when received cleanup message
return "OK";
sub ptMsg
my $msg = shift;
print "received message $msg \n";
- main function start
print ".Creating ActiveMQ connector ...... ";
$sReceiver = Net::Stomp->new(
$aReceiver = Net::Stomp->new({ hostname => $aq_host, port => $aq_port}
print colored ("OK\n",'green');
{INT}= "cleanup";
print ".Starting Thread1 ...... ";
$thread_th1 = threads->create(\&th1);
print colored ("OK\n", 'green');
print ".Starting Thread2 ...... ";
$thread_th2 = threads->create(\&th2);
print colored ("OK\n", 'green');
#main process waiting for signal clean
print colored ("->running ......\n", 'green');
print "\n";
while ($running) {