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  1. ActiveMQ Classic
  2. AMQ-4533

Messages stuck in queue with redelivered=true



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 5.7.0
    • 5.10.0
    • JMS client
    • None
    • Fuse Message Broker 5.7.0


      We're getting message stuck in queues with the
      redelivery flag set to true.

      We used the following test model: put every 1 second 50 messages sequentially, and after that, the rest of 1000 msgs quickly to INPUT_QUEUE and
      while starting 25 listeners cosuming from INPUT_QUEUE, which takes about 30 seconds to move the message to RECEIPT_QUEUE, 10 other listeners on RECEIPT_QUEUE consume and counts them.

      We tried making one of the consumer slow by setting the
      processing time to 100000 seconds (sleep) and putting a heavy load in
      500 threads every 1 ms to some other queues the same time.

      Our test case is attached, you might need to install some dependencies
      to the local maven repository manually:

      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.activemq
      -DartifactId=activemq-core -Dversion=5.7.0-fuse-71-047 -Dpackaging=jar
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.kahadb
      -DartifactId=kahadb -Dversion=5.7.0-fuse-71-047 -Dpackaging=jar
      mvn install:install-file
      -DartifactId=geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec -Dversion=1.0.1
      -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.activemq.pool
      -DartifactId=activemq-pool -Dversion=5.7.0-fuse-71-047 -Dpackaging=jar

      To run the test, simply use the Maven test target:

      mvn clean test

      If the problem occurs the you'll get a message like this in the test
      results, (target/surefire-reports):

      java.lang.AssertionError: Still messages in InputQueue expected:<0>
      but was:<365>


        1. LOGS_FAILED_5.9.0.redhat-610-SNAPSHOT.zip
          10.00 MB
          Wieslaw Dudek
        2. AMQFreezeTest-5.9.0.redhat-610084-log.zip
          1.57 MB
          Wieslaw Dudek
        3. AMQFreezeTest-5.8.0.fuse-72-SNAPSHOT-log.zip
          111 kB
          Wieslaw Dudek
        4. AMQFreezeTest.zip
          11 kB
          Dejan Bosanac
        5. AMQ4533-test.patch
          43 kB
          Timothy A. Bish
        6. AMQFreezeTest.patch
          40 kB
          Dejan Bosanac
        7. AMQ4533-Test.patch
          27 kB
          Timothy A. Bish
        8. AMQ4533-Test.patch
          39 kB
          Timothy A. Bish
        9. AMQ4533-Test.patch
          39 kB
          Timothy A. Bish
        10. AMQFreezeFailingTest.zip
          14 kB
          Wieslaw Dudek
        11. AMQ4533-Test.patch
          38 kB
          Timothy A. Bish
        12. AMQ4533-Test.patch
          36 kB
          Timothy A. Bish
        13. AMQFreeze_logs.zip
          26 kB
          Wieslaw Dudek
        14. AMQFreezeTest.zip
          15 kB
          Wieslaw Dudek
        15. AMQ4533_logs.ZIP
          1.08 MB
          Wieslaw Dudek
        16. AMQ4533Test.java
          21 kB
          Gary Tully
        17. AMQ4533TestPatch.txt
          27 kB
          Timothy A. Bish
        18. AMQ4533TestPatch.txt
          34 kB
          Timothy A. Bish
        19. AMQ4533TestPatch.txt
          35 kB
          Timothy A. Bish
        20. kahaPendingMessages.zip
          24 kB
          Jason Shepherd

        Issue Links



              tabish Timothy A. Bish
              jshepher Jason Shepherd
              1 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue

