Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
1.1-CVS-SNAPSHOT on 23 Sep 2004 running on a Windows XP/SUN JVM 1.4_05
When configuring three or more brokers in a cluster we can receive a lot of duplicate Topic messages.
This is due to the fact that a broker marks a message as visited when it receives it. This is not a problem for queue message, however for topic messages this becomes a problem since messages are distributed on all the server channels that the broker is aware of (and that the message has not visited?). This means that for three brokers we will get two duplicate deliveries for four broker we will get 12(3x4)? duplicates for five brokers we will get 60(3x4x5)? duplicates.
Increasing the number of connected brokers in a cluster will have a severe impact in performance...
Is it possible for the broker to mark topic messages as visited by all the brokers that it will send the message to excluding the one it is about to send to? This way the broker that receives a topic message wont send it to the brokers that have already received it(is about to receive it).