Created this from an email
--Email From - Chris Campbell--
Thanks for the excellent work on ActiveMQ-CPP! We're using it with
great success in several of our projects.
I downloaded version 2.2.2 today and needed to patch src/main/decaf/
lang/System.cpp to get it to work on Mac OS X and iPhone OS. Not sure
which variant of 2.2 I was using before, but I didn't recall patching
For use in our software, I compile ActiveMQ-CPP as a static library
(libactivemq-cpp.a) and link it into a Mac OS X framework for use with
our Mac OS X applications, or link it directly into an iPhone
application (you're not allowed to build frameworks on the iPhone).
ActiveMQ-CPP 2.2.2 will successfully compile and link on Mac OS X, but
if you attempt to use the static library in a non-executable (like a
shared library or a framework) you get an error at link time that the
"_environ" symbol could not be found. The reason for this error is
explained at:
I changed System.cpp by adding the following OS X-specific
implementation of System::getEnvArray() in src/main/decaf/lang/
System.cpp, created by slightly modifying the non-WIN32 version:
— BEGIN patch —
— activemq-cpp-2.2.2-src/src/main/decaf/lang/System.cpp.orig
2008-12-02 23:51:46.000000000 -0500
+++ activemq-cpp-2.2.2-src/src/main/decaf/lang/System.cpp 2008-12-02
19:16:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -208,6 +208,30 @@
return buffer;
+#elif defined(_APPLE_)
+char*** _NSGetEnviron(void);
+std::vector<std::string> System::getEnvArray() {
+ std::vector<std::string> buffer;
+ int count = 0;
+ char **environ = *_NSGetEnviron();
+ for( int i = 0; *(environ + i); i++ )
+ for( int i = 0; *(environ + i); i++ )
+ return buffer;
— END patch –
BTW, what's the first for loop doing? It calculates "count" but
doesn't use it for anything later in the function?
Anyway, thanks again for the great software. Wanted to send you the
patch, and thought you might be interested to know that ActiveMQ-CPP
is working well on the iPhone!