A new set of portlet applications will be provided...
Up to now only two portlets are provided for this startup issue.
Both of them are exactly equal right now because. I mean I copied and pasted the code from one to the other to be able to hack ChartViewer after to find a way to render only a chart from a report design and be able to set width and height on the fly when rendering. That's the only cause to create a different portlet for Charting.
Right now it works well if resize should not be supported.
Current features are:
Full Wicket App
Two working modes [View, Edit]
[View Mode]
Report is generated on the fly.
Different reports can be shown with only one portlet (Via Edit
Report parameters are used on report generation.
[Edit Mode]
Reports can be deployed directly using one directory. Drag &
Drop deploy...
Custom preference panels are created on the fly based on report
Report value for parameters are fetched from database
dynamically or statically on edit time. Depending on how report
is built.