Test should assert results and not print them.
------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ------------------------------------------------------- Running org.apache.apex.examples.transform.ApplicationTest 2017-08-01 13:32:09,370 [main] WARN util.NativeCodeLoader <clinit> - Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 2017-08-01 13:32:10,070 [master] WARN stram.Journal write - Journal output stream is null. Skipping write to the WAL. 2017-08-01 13:32:10,074 [master] WARN stram.Journal write - Journal output stream is null. Skipping write to the WAL. 2017-08-01 13:32:10,075 [master] WARN stram.Journal write - Journal output stream is null. Skipping write to the WAL. 2017-08-01 13:32:10,076 [master] WARN stram.Journal write - Journal output stream is null. Skipping write to the WAL. CustomerInfo{customerId=91459, name='Ldb dKzm', age=77, address='xxd'} CustomerInfo{customerId=19131, name='qpjaSoQfxF TFlKPemU', age=86, address='myrbhszyudll'} CustomerInfo{customerId=20122, name='YOEFzMreda oqSU', age=15, address='rq'} CustomerInfo{customerId=75939, name='sB Eha', age=48, address='czkuzvzlh'} CustomerInfo{customerId=54846, name='zRL Ss', age=11, address='hmx'} CustomerInfo{customerId=22583, name='WcV V', age=58, address='mw'}