TaskReconciler is currently using ACTIVE_STATES filter when fetching tasks for explicit reconciliation. Since Mesos does not know anything about non-assigned tasks, this results in log messages like this:
allowed) E0619 00:09:35.219 THREAD175 org.apache.aurora.scheduler.state.TaskStateMachine$5.execute: Illegal state transition attempted: PENDING -> LOST (not allowed) I0619 00:09:35.220 THREAD13437 org.apache.aurora.scheduler.mesos.MesosSchedulerImpl.logStatusUpdate: Received status update for task 1371518881594-mesos-pending-resources-100-7 7-fbbd6074-0896-495f-9a88-1d0ff48495fe in state TASK_LOST from SOURCE_MASTER with REASON_RECONCILIATION: Reconciliation: Task is unknown
While there is no harm to PENDING or THROTTLED tasks, the above messages pollute logs and should be suppressed. Use SLAVE_ASSIGNED_STATES filter instead of ACTIVE_STATES.